I've been a bit out of my mind the past week: visiting Principal Investigators, data collection, preparing for WAY BIGGER data collection, filing for human subjects research clearance, writing surveys... living the dream. Aaaaand it's looking like it's gonna keep up at this pace (or more) through at least mid-April.
On the up-side, the rain has been awesome lately! Well, as long as I'm not boda-boda-ing around town to meetings all day. That gets interesting. Nothing says "professional" quite like walking into a meeting looking like a drowned rat in a trashbag. Keeping it classy, representing the muzungus (actually, "bazungu" for more than one "muzungu").
And in lieu of more substance... look! It's me working!

Aaaaand Daniel tells a senior economist of the Boston Federal Reserve bank How It is:

*Note: I have trimmed both hair and beard since these pictures. The beard's grown back though. You may know me as Mountain Man Ugandaniel.
Aaaanyway. Off to bed for me. Maybe to Gulu (in the north) next week to do some more survey pretesting... hopefully. It would be nice to get the hell outta Kampala for a minute or two! My developing black lung could stand a day or two off.
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